
產(chǎn)品中心您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > > 手提式PH儀 > PH-907手提式PH計(jì)(PH-907)




手提式PH計(jì)(PH-907) PH-907



PH-907  portable PH  INSTRUCTION
BASIC CONsuitcase,9V battery combination PH sensor,buffer 7.00and4.00 manual。
一、           Panel instruction
l        ON/OFF : power switch
l        MODE : function switch,
Repeating:PH →MV→ TEMP  every press
l        CALIB  : 7.00 calibration (6.86)
l        SLOP   : 4.00 calibration (9.18、10.01)
l        TEMP   :  temp compensation manually
二、           Easy to operate
1、Put the sensor in water , Turn the power on ,and LCD display current PH value ,if you need to calibrate , please check the calibration part of the manual. Wait for the reading to stabilize. It needs a few minutes to equalize the temp and all the condition .
2、  Change a ORP sensor if you want to measure ORP in a solution ,THEN press the MODE key when you’ve changed your sensor。
3、  For Temp compensation , you can easily turn the TEMP knob to the temp in witch the solution is。
三、           PH Calibration
1、Put the clean PH sensor into buffer 7.00,a few agitation,wait for the reading to stabilize(suggest at least 5mins),turn CALIB knob to make the value reach 7.00 steadily。Recommend tuning slowly.
2、Wash the sensor with distilled water and wipe it with soft tissue。
3、Put the clean PH sensor into buffer 4.00(or 9 .18), agitate a little,wait for the reading to stabilize(suggest at least 5mins),turn CALIB knob to make the value reach 4.00(or 9.18) steadily。
4、You may repeat the calibration process for 2-3 times for accuracy。
NOTE:1、When calibrate ORP sensor please select the right ORP standard。
              2  pH sensor ‘s Temp range is  0-80℃
              3、PH value is a parameter related to Temp, for accurate measure temp compensation is necessary . 
4、storage for a long time ,such as weeks or months ,the sensor should be cleaned sufficiently。


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